This Super Charge Saiya-Jin Smoothie recipe can help hybrid heroes fuel up before a workout and support recovery post workout.
There's no doubt that anime can motivate us to move and workout. Who doesn't get the itch to punch, kick and move after watching Goku and Vegeta spar or seeing Goku and Krillin train with Master Roshi in the older Dragon Ball series? I don't know about you, but after watching an episode packed with action, I want to start training. However, to have the type of energy we see in the Dragon Ball universe, it's imperative to fuel up properly to achieve peak training abilities. Here is a smoothie recipe that can give you the pre and post workout support that you'll need while on your journey to achieving hybrid hero levels like some of your favorite anime heroes.
Super Charge Saiya-Jin Smoothie Details:
Approximate Calories: 695
Number of Ingredients: 7
Super Charge Saiya-Jin Smoothie Ingredients:
2 x cup oatmilk - 180 calories
2 x scoops of Vanilla Orgain, protein powder - 160 calories
1 x medium banana - 100 calories
1/2 x cup old fashioned quaker oats - 75 calories
1 x tablespoon sunbutter - 105 calories
1/2 x tablespoon chia seeds - 35 calories
1 x teaspoon honey - 20 calories
Super Charge Saiya-Jin Smoothie Directions:
Add banana, quaker oats and sunbutter.
Pour chia seeds on top.
Pour vanilla protein powder.
Top the mix with the teaspoon of honey.
Pour oatmilk into blender.
Finally pour crushed ice to complete the mix.
Blend the ingredients into a silky-creamy consistency.
Note: If you don't have the option to add crushed ice but have ice cubes available, first blend the ingredients without the ice, pour the smoothie into a glass then add the ice cubes with a few spins to cool it down. Personally, I used to like to follow this process as an attempt to extend my blenders blades life.
This smoothie combines ingredients that can boost energy, promote muscle recovery and enhance your hydration before an intense training session. If consumed before a training session, give yourself about 2-3 hours before working out to allow complete digestion. Happy training hybrid heroes!
Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietitian. All information presented and written within this article are intended for informational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you should choose to follow and consume any ingredients provided here, you do so voluntarily and do not hold Initial Mile and it's founder responsible for any cause of illnesses, allergic reactions or death. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.