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Weight Training: Pull Day Workout Routine

This weight training workout, Pull Day Workout Routine can help warriors build muscular aesthetics and strength in the back and biceps like some of our favorite anime fighters.

Most anime fans will already know that there is a list of extraordinary warriors that takes there training to a different level with common exercises some of us may already be doing or see at the gym. Saitama completes his famous workout of simple push ups, squats and running. Mash Burnedead completes a series of both common and advance weight training exercises. Baki completes a series of calisthenics such as push ups, pull ups and more. This weight training workout, Pull Day Workout Routine can help warriors build muscular aesthetics and strength in the back and bicep muscles like some of these warriors.

Who's This For?

Suitable for advance levels

Workout Benefits:

Improve muscular strength in back, shoulders and biceps

Increase muscular endurance in back, shoulders and biceps

Improve muscular aesthetics in back, shoulders and biceps

Workout Implementation:

To maintain balance between all other training practices, it’s recommended to complete a pull day workout at least 2-3x/week depending on the current phase of training.

Training Equipment:


Pull Up Bar

Intensity Zone of 7-8

Weight Training Workout Details to Build Muscle Mass:

Complete 8-12 repetitions for each exercise

Complete 3-4 sets for each superset

Rest 60-90 seconds between each superset

Weight Training Workout Details to Build Muscle Endurance:

Complete 10-25 repetitions for each exercise

Complete 3-6 sets for each superset

Rest 15-30 seconds between each superset

Pull Day Workout Exercises:

Dumbbell single arm rows

Dumbbell back flys

Weighted pull ups

Hammer curls

Reverse bicep curls

Chin ups or dead hang

Exercise Alternatives:

If regression is required or equipment is limited, below are alternative exercises:

Weighted Pull Up > Standard Pull Up (No Vest)

Coach Notes:

  • Utilize medium to heavy weight for best results.

  • Follow a 3x3 count for each repetition. 3 sec. concentric and 3 sec. eccentric.

  • Maintain flat back during back rows and back flys.

  • If weighted vest is not available, complete standard pull ups.

  • Modify rest time as needed.

Anime inspired weight training workout challenging cosplayers to complete 6 pull exercises.

Disclaimer: All information presented and written within this article are intended for informational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you should choose to follow or participate in any workout, program or practice, you do so voluntarily and do not hold Initial Mile and it's founder responsible for any cause of injury or death. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.


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