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Full Body Calisthenics Workout 11

Initial Mile Endi

This Anime Inspired Full Body Calisthenics Workout 11, can help hybrid heroes build overall total body muscular endurance and strength.

If you've mastered the basics of calisthenics and are seeking to increase the intensity of your training like some of the anime heroes you see in the anime universe, this workout can help you step up your game. Inspired by the strength and power we see from some of our favorite anime characters, this Ultra calisthenics routine, Full Body Calisthenics Workout 11, will push your limits, build real-world strength and help you channel your hidden potential.

Who's This For?

Suitable for Ultra levels (advance)

Full Body Calisthenics Workout 11 Benefits:

Improve muscular strength and endurance in your total body.

Workout Implementation:

To maintain balance between all other training practices, it’s recommended to complete a calisthenics workout at least 3x/week at minimum.

Training Equipment:

Pull-up bar

Workout Details:

Complete 10-15 repetitions for each exercise

Complete 3-4 sets for each superset

Rest 60-90 seconds between each superset

Warm Up:

Complete a 5 minute warm up or complete Initial Mile's Total Body Warm Up.

Cool Down:

Complete a 5 minute cool down or complete Initial Mile's Chi Flow Yoga Routine.

Full Body Calisthenics Workout:

Superset 1: One Arm Dead Hang + Squats

Superset 2: Planche Push Ups + Single Leg Hip Bridges

Superset 3: Archer Pull Ups + Walking Lunges

Exercise Alternatives:

If regression is required or equipment is limited, below are some alternative exercises:

One Arm Dead Hang > Two Arm Dead Hang

Planche Push Ups > Diamond Push Ups > Diamond Push Ups on Knees

Archer Pull Ups > Standard Pull Ups > Dead Hang

Training Notes:

  • Follow a 1-1 repetition count. Count 1 second up and 1 second down. In other words, 1 second on the concentric movement and 1 second on the eccentric movement.

  • Planche Push Up Tips: Arms should be placed slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Maintain a flat back. Do not let hips sink. Rotate wrist so fingertips are pointed back and forearms pointed forward.

  • Archer Pull Up Tips: As you pull up, shift your weight to one side by pushing away and pulling simultaneously. For example, if you're completing an archer pull up moving to your right side, shift your body in that direction by pushing and extending your left arm against the bar and pulling up with your right hand.

Full Body Calisthenics Workout 11 that includes one arm dead hang, quats, planche push ups, single leg hip bridges, archer pull ups and walking lunges.

Disclaimer: All information presented and written within this article are intended for informational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you should choose to follow or participate in any workout, program or practice, you do so voluntarily and do not hold Initial Mile and it's founder responsible for any cause of injury or death. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.


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